I am going to show you something that I liked when I was little younger, I was in the newspaper because of something that I have done, of course it was application :D, actually it happens twice, once for Web navigator, and the other for web site that I have done for some practices
see a snapshot of the news paper :D
application to make it easier to navigate the web
Title of the topic on the main page of the newspaper
the main topic about the website to help student to follow the lectures from their home
this is a link for the web site http://www14.brinkster.com/mo7dra/main.asp
I hope that it's cool :D
So now your are not only a genius, but a famous genius!
LOL, I remember all those days, you were a small geek in that time, Wanted, lol.
That awesome man! xD
I've been in newspapers for 3 times too xD
1 - Arabnews: http://archive.arabnews.com/?page=1§ion=0&article=90150&d=18&m=12&y=2006
2- Gloucestershire local newspaper: http://www.thisisgloucestershire.co.uk/news/love-rain-say-visiting-students/article-1286420-detail/article.html
3- another one: http://www.glos.ac.uk/pressreleases/archive/august09/Pages/egyptcomparisons.aspx
4- another one but can't find the link to it (related to the previous one ;)
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